Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I've been very inspired by Arielle's regular blogging. I don't blog as often as I did in college. I guess I had more interesting stuff happening back then? Anyway, last night was my final class of a six-week non-fiction writing course that I'd been taking, and my teacher kept stressing that we should blog and have an "online presence" which, ironically, I've taken careful measures to avoid since I'm always paranoid that someone's going to steal my identity or kill me. But here goes, I'm trying to build my online presence by rambling:

1. I went to Shake Shack yesterday for lunch with my friend and ran into my aunt there. What the heck. It was weird because she's not really a burger person, but a few weeks ago, my sister was raving to her about the place and like a week after that, my aunt was telling my sister how she tried going before work at like 8-something in the morning but it was closed. Then we both run into each other. Odd.

2. I had a lot of time to kill so I watched two movies: In Bruges and Atonement. (I was off work yesterday.) The sad thing was that during In Bruges, I kept marveling at the Harry Potter connection since Voldemort, Mad-Eye Moody, and Fleur Delacour were all in it. (Also, Ralph Fiennes' character's name was Harry. Weirdly, I was reading Goblet of Fire before the previews started rolling in the theater.) Also, Sayid's German girlfriend from the most recent episode of Lost was in it. Also appearing was guy who played Giant Bag of Weed from Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. Who I was SURE was Peter Dinklage and then I looked him up and was wrong and then I felt SO mean and sizeist.

3. I did my laundry today. Before I even had to revert to Bad Underwear or Bad Socks. Go, me!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i miss you! yesss keep writing online. i like it. i wish i could write well and be clever like annykim. :)

Thu Feb 21, 06:59:00 PM 2008  

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