I want to hurt the people at Bravo

The outcome of tonight's episode was the most unfair, ridiculous, and insulting thing ever in any so-called competition. Omfg. I am still in disbelief that Bravo actually had the gall to keep The Consistently Worst PR Contestant Ever (this guy makes Wendy Pepper look like Coco Chanel) over the adorable and (more importantly) talented Allison Kelly.
This is seriously so ridiculous. I am positively livid. He's been in the bottom three for five of the six challenges, and the one challenge (Designer's Best Friend) where he was lucky (really, it was pure luck) enough to pass without a beating from the judges... well, his outfit was really the ugliest one out of all of them, and I'm not just saying that out of bias. Those leggings? That "dress"? At least past crazies like Santino actually showed some talent.
I can't even comment on the rest of the episode because I'm so furious at Bravo. Is this a joke? Allison has consistently designed some great things, but That Contestant should've been sent home a long time ago... and this week's so-called dress was just awful (and according to Tim, the model couldn't even walk in it). And the producers added that ridiculous comment by Heidi how That Contestant "likes to push the envelope" as a justification (or something) for his still being there. AND HE'S STILL HERE!
He's going to show at Fashion Week. It's so obvious. (I mean, the whole thing with Jia being matched up with a finalist... I was hoping against hope before, but there's really no doubt anymore.) I cannot believe that Bravo is subjecting us to this "drama" bullshit and completely wasting a spot at Fashion Week (not to mention the remainder of the show) instead of showcasing the work of actually talented designers (which is supposedly the purpose of this whole thing, right?). If I didn't love some of the designers so much, I'd just quit watching. I feel like I've been slapped in the face.
Some half-hearted observations:
-I absolutely adore Michael and his work, and I'm thrilled that he's the only designer to have won two challenges, but let's be honest... Jeffrey should've won. He's pretty much a bastard, but his dress was great (especially in the context of the challenge).
-Laura's irate outburst made me a fan for life. Sure, it wasn't the most mature thing, and she was acting in the heat of the moment... but she said everything that nobody else would say. (And did she actually beatbox?)
Still seething. I hate you, Bravo. I think Tim Gunn does too (read his blog and listen to his podcast... he can't stand That Contestant), but he's contractually obligated to be your puppet. People were drawn to this show because it required actual talent (unlike all other reality shows out there)... but you sold out, Bravo. Shame on you.
Well, as Kayne maturely said, the most important thing is to focus on Allison. We'll miss you, Allison, and the wonderful designs that we won't be seeing because That Contestant supposedly makes good television. (I'm gagging. I am.) But when this is all over, Allison still be working while That Contestant will long be forgotten and mumbling something about "art" in his padded cell.
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