Sunday, February 24, 2008

Stuff White People Like

My friend directed me to the blog, Stuff White People Like. At first, I was mildly annoyed because this is the friend (one of the nearest and dearest to my tiny little non-heart, I must preface) who once asked me, wide-eyed, what I discussed with my white friends.

(You know I love you.)

But as I started reading this list (which really should be titled Stuff Young Liberal Hipster Yuppies Like, and no, that is not an oxymoron)... I realized, this pretty much summarizes everyone under the age of 35 in New York* who is even mildly educated but not yet rich enough to stop putting up the pretense that they Care. (I'd wager that this blogger is Asian since I think the truest liberal white yuppies feel too much white guilt to compile something like this, even anonymously**.) Some people might think the whole thing is reverse racism, but... it is still pretty darn hilarious and totally a dead-on characterization of... well, everyone I know. Which is kind of upsetting since we young people like to think that our problems are so unique and that we're so clever for recognizing that we have these issues, but really, like our parents' generation and people who live in fly-over states, we are reduced to a bunch of (completely true) stereotypes. Sad.

Note: I read this blog after coming home from a night of eating an $11.50 sandwich and watching Be Kind Rewind. (Why am I a cliche?) I wanted to love this movie so much for Michel Gondry because Eternal Sunshine was so brilliant. Alas, beyond the let's-remake-movies schtick, there really wasn't too much else besides my wondering if Danny Glover still has private Pilates sessions with Mari Winsor.


* I am referring to the five boroughs of New York, not the state. The term "New York City" really ought to be illegal... nobody says "London City" or "Los Angeles City"... although I think people do say "Quebec City"?

** Or maybe not, what do I know?


Blogger Penelope said...

"stuff white people like" is hilarious - i just perused it (peruse? who am i?) the other day, and i totally agree with you. we are just a bunch of stereotypes, as much as it hurts to admit it.
i also agree that its not just "white" people, and that its young liberal hipster yuppies.... lord knows they are a lot of white people who dont like sushi :)

have you received your tote yet??

Sun Feb 24, 08:24:00 AM 2008  
Blogger Arielle said...

I was totally going to show you that website, and forgot. I'm glad you found it anyway!

Mon Feb 25, 07:24:00 PM 2008  

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