Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fondue Fountain

Earlier tonight, Arielle and I attended a Tufts-sponsored lecture by Gregory Maguire, author of Wicked and some other stuff, because we're cultured and active alumnae (even though I haven't read any of his works... oops). He's a pretty entertaining speaker and seems to have a wicked (ha!) sense of humor.

Anyway, we're about to leave and we're patting ourselves on the back for being so cultured and active when the organizer announces that there's a dessert reception. 'Great!' I think. 'Cookies and coffee!' Oh, how I was wrong...

Do other people know that this invention exists? For all my culture and activism, even I was clueless to the existence of THE MOST AMAZING GADGET IN THE WORLD. It's a streaming fountain... of chocolate! (GOOD-quality chocolate, none of that Hershey's crap.) For the purpose of fondue-ing!

Actually, the whole thing was really bizarre because - as Arielle pointed out - it wasn't really a frou-frou event, but the inclusion of the Fondue Fountain seemed too frou-frou for that specific occasion. But yeah... there were strawberries, pineapples, marshmallows, pretzels, and some other stuff available for dipping. YUM... although all I got were a strawberry and a marshmallow. Unfortunately, common decency prevented me from shamelessly stuffing my face with everything on the table. (Trust me, I was tempted.)

I. Want. Fondue. Fountain.


Blogger Arielle said...

Oh my gosh, I miss that fountain with its delicious flowing chocolate. I sense chocolate-themed 25th birthday party? Oh yes.

Thu Feb 28, 09:34:00 AM 2008  

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