Monday, December 04, 2006

I'm smart because I went to a museum

So in an effort to not feel like a total amorphous blob, I decided awhile ago that I was going to actually DO stuff on Sundays (my only day off... cue sympathetic music here) instead of sleeping until two, vegging all afternoon, and finally showering at seven. Yesterday was my first "Cultural Sunday" (let's see how long this lasts), and I went to the American Museum of Natural History to see an exhibition on gold.

What did I learn? Not much. I remember that a Godiva chocolate bar costs $2.95 in the gift shop. I saw Susan Sarandon's Oscar. And apparently from WW2 until 1974 or something, Americans weren't allowed to own any gold except in the form of jewelry. I thought that was interesting.

Oh yeah, so I bought something amazing again. My cousin Laura introduced me to the body scrub from Sabon. IT'S SO FANTASTIC! Apparently, the sea salts are from the Dead Sea (or at least that's what they want you to believe since it's an Israeli company), and it makes your skin SO soft after using it. And it smells unbelievable too. (The girls in the store are super nice. They make you try all their products, and they taught me to say "couch potato" in Hebrew. But I forgot.)

So that's it. Nothing else happened this weekend. Although my friend compared my clothing style to Joey Potter's since I was wearing jeans and a tank top when I saw her. I thought that was kind of strange.

Three weeks until Christmas. Rah.


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