Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I love my Cuddle Blanket

My sister's friends bought her a blanket from Brookstone for her last birthday. It's called a Cuddle Blanket made with "NapSoft" material. According to Brookstone (and I'm going to take their word since I don't know if anyone else would actually bother to confirm this), it's "the world's most touchable blanket."

My sister turns into Linus when she's at home. She carries this thing everywhere... checking her email, eating food, watching TV, etc. She urged me to buy one because she got mad at me that I fell asleep with it in front of the TV.

So today, I bought one. It is fantastic. I bought a light blue one to match Linus's blanket. (My sister's is brown.) It has that "new" smell since I haven't washed it yet, but it'll do for now.

Everybody should buy one. The end.


Blogger Lux said...

I'm intrigued.

Thu Nov 15, 10:00:00 PM 2007  

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