Monday, November 05, 2007

I spent three-plus hours waiting for Stephen Colbert

...and I've never seen an episode of The Colbert Report. Actually, I've never even seen a full episode of The Daily Show.

So yeah. I'm on a sabbatical from work since work sucks. Today was my first day of relative freedom and being outside while the sun is still out. I decide to leave my apartment to enjoy the quick-setting sun... which I do for the approximately three minutes that it takes for me to walk to the subway. I was going to go to Barnes and Noble on 66th Street to drink overpriced Starbucks and read magazines for free (an activity in which I partake maybe three or four times a week since I'm single and bored), but since the subway skipped that stop, I made the executive decision to go instead to Borders on 59th to drink overpriced Dean and DeLuca and read magazines for free.

There's a sign that announces that Stephen Colbert is coming at eight o'clock to sign his book. "Cool," I think. "Too bad I don't watch his show." It's still four-something. I skim through a few weeklies. I'm bored. New monthlies have yet to arrive. It's five. I wonder what I could possibly do for the rest of the day. "Fuck it," I say. I buy I Am America and two other books because Borders is having some promotion. And I wait on line.

From 5:25 to 8-something, I waited. For some guy whose show I don't watch and his staff of writers to scribble their illegible signatures into my hardcover book! HARDCOVER! I listened to the trombone-playing Juilliard sophomore in front of me mack on the blonde NYU Law first-year and recent UF-Gainesville grad in front of him. I left the building at 8:35. I sort of wanted to follow Juilliard and NYU because I was curious if they were going to get a drink or something (oh wait, Juilliard is prob under 21) but I figured that'd be creepy so I just went home.

I told Lucy. She was like, "You waited three hours for someone you don't like? I wouldn't wait three hours for somebody that I did like!"

Yeah, so that's what I did today.


Blogger Lux said...

Hmm...while I think Colbert is funny, and am sometimes crushing on him, I probably would not have waited that long.
Especially if he was just there to sign, not talk.
Your sabbatical sounds lame. You should go somewhere. I have vacation time...I'll go with you!

Tue Nov 06, 09:48:00 PM 2007  
Blogger mapbackwards said...

Shit, I would have waited!! Did you end up getting your book signed??? Does Tek Jansen look as sexy in person as he is on camera? And when I say sexy, I mean super awesome in a non-sexual manner, boy do I wish I could be him just for one day? you can tell, I kinda like the show.

I'm jealous that you got to breathe the same air- I miss the random coolness of New York!

p.s. I have waited many an hour to get books signed and for fruitless things like not getting Shakespeare in the Park tickets, so I feel your pain!

p.p.s. Remember when we waited sixty hours for Conan and never got tickets and that Italian woman yelled, "Oh, how can they be so CRUEL to us!!!" with such genuine emotion. It was great. Glad Nicole got us real tickets though.

p.p.p.s. Sorry I made this so long.

Tue Nov 20, 08:58:00 AM 2007  

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