So yeah. Everyone should boycott Bread Soul Cafe on 63rd and Broadway. It's the stupidest place ever.
A few weeks ago, I got soup and half a sandwich there, and I almost threw up (which rarely happens). I think it was the sandwich because my friend got the same soup and a different sandwich and was still okay. I felt so crappy that afternoon. I vowed to never go there ever again.
But anyway, on two rainy days, when I was really in the mood for soup, I decided to give them another chance. Besides, they're a little mom-and-pop store, so you know, I figured I should help them out instead of going to Whole Foods or some other giant conglomerate. Plus, B.S. Cafe is a lot closer. (Hey! I just realized that their name can be abbreviated as B.S. Cafe! Nice... this helps my argument in a very immature and childish way. Whatever.)
So today, I decide to go get a coffee and figure I'll go to B.S. Cafe again. So I order, and the cashier tells me that I can't charge anything less than $5. First of all, THAT'S ILLEGAL. Secondly, both times that I've bought soup, the purchase came out to $4.95 and they let me charge it. At least pick a consistent number! But I really do not want to buy anything other than a coffee, so I call her bluff, and I say, "Well, I don't really want anything else." So she gives me a dirty look and takes away the coffee! Law-breaking bitch.
So being a mature adult, I decide to stick it to them and I go down the street to Starbucks. Yes, Starbucks, the center of all that is evil. I order my small iced coffee with milk (which I learned is a "tall iced cafe con leche" in Starbucks World and only cost five cents more than stupid B.S. Cafe), and I purposefully order a piece of overpriced bread that cost $2.50. AND I earned some airline miles by using my credit card! And you know what? B.S. Cafe needed that $4.50 a hell of a lot more than Starbucks did.
Another thing. B.S. Cafe is really dumb. They don't even know what their name is. Their window sign says Breadsoul Cafe. Breadsoul: one word. Breadsoul is not an acceptable compound word, and it's not one of those words like Starbucks that doesn't mean anything because it's only a company name but people realize that. Breadsoul sounds like an idiot tried to pick a beatnik-like poetic name, but it doesn't work. Do breads have souls? No. Also, the sign that hangs outside their shop says Bread Sole Cafe. Bread Sole: two words. Uh, do breads have soles? No. Do they sell SOLELY bread? (Because they don't. They sell soup and coffee and other stuff.) Plus if you charge something, the vendor's name on your credit card statement is BRISTOL Cafe. We're not in England. What the hell!
Conclusion: No matter what it's called, the place sucks. Support corporations and earn airline miles!
Note: I've decided that "Bread Soul" makes more sense than Breadsoul or Bread Sole. So I'm going with Bread Soul even though none of their 500 signs do.