"The Holiday" is absymal
In order to prevent people from spending $10 of their hard-earned money on this cinematic rubbish, I have compiled a very clear list of why this movie is just horrible:
Utter lack of logic:
1. Are we supposed to believe that these too-busy-to-make-love-work workaholics would REALLY suddenly pick up and leave the country, especially since they hold such pivotal positions at their respective companies?
2. Who would actually go online, chat with someone for five minutes (even if it IS a fellow man-hater), and agree to let that person completely sublet her home and car for two weeks... starting the next day? Nobody does background checks anymore? (And how did they even get into each other's houses?)
Use of romantic comedy cliches:
1. Heroine has a romantic revelation, races to her would-be significant other's home, professes her love... only to realize that the other person is not actually alone at that moment.
2. Go-getting, fast-talking American girl visits Quaint English Countryside and becomes smitten with Charming English Bloke.
3. People fall in love. In like two weeks. HA!
Poor filmmaking decisions:
1. You cannot use a song in a film that is totally associated with another one... is there anyone in the world who does not immediately think of Garden State after hearing the first few seconds of "Let Go" by Frou Frou? Didn't think so. What's next... "Climb Ev'ry Mountain" in the next Everest movie?
2. This movie tried to be important with a subplot that involved The Old Guy Who Teaches Young Person Some Sort Of Lesson (also see: In Her Shoes, Finding Forrester, Dawson's Creek). Why do people think that putting old people in a movie adds some sort of poignancy?
The studio must have kidnapped Kate Winslet's child to coerce her to do this film.
Sigh. Maybe I'm being too harsh. Nobody goes to see romantic comedies to see anything that's going to change anybody's life. To the movie's credit, there were some good points:
1. It did not use my most hated movie cliche: Dying Girl Teaches Selfish Boy How To Wholly Love And Truly Live
2. Forty-five glorious seconds of the beautiful John Krasinski
Obsession of the week:
Singing along to Boyz II Men videos on YouTube
Utter lack of logic:
1. Are we supposed to believe that these too-busy-to-make-love-work workaholics would REALLY suddenly pick up and leave the country, especially since they hold such pivotal positions at their respective companies?
2. Who would actually go online, chat with someone for five minutes (even if it IS a fellow man-hater), and agree to let that person completely sublet her home and car for two weeks... starting the next day? Nobody does background checks anymore? (And how did they even get into each other's houses?)
Use of romantic comedy cliches:
1. Heroine has a romantic revelation, races to her would-be significant other's home, professes her love... only to realize that the other person is not actually alone at that moment.
2. Go-getting, fast-talking American girl visits Quaint English Countryside and becomes smitten with Charming English Bloke.
3. People fall in love. In like two weeks. HA!
Poor filmmaking decisions:
1. You cannot use a song in a film that is totally associated with another one... is there anyone in the world who does not immediately think of Garden State after hearing the first few seconds of "Let Go" by Frou Frou? Didn't think so. What's next... "Climb Ev'ry Mountain" in the next Everest movie?
2. This movie tried to be important with a subplot that involved The Old Guy Who Teaches Young Person Some Sort Of Lesson (also see: In Her Shoes, Finding Forrester, Dawson's Creek). Why do people think that putting old people in a movie adds some sort of poignancy?
The studio must have kidnapped Kate Winslet's child to coerce her to do this film.
Sigh. Maybe I'm being too harsh. Nobody goes to see romantic comedies to see anything that's going to change anybody's life. To the movie's credit, there were some good points:
1. It did not use my most hated movie cliche: Dying Girl Teaches Selfish Boy How To Wholly Love And Truly Live
2. Forty-five glorious seconds of the beautiful John Krasinski
Obsession of the week:
Singing along to Boyz II Men videos on YouTube